Your Community / Louisville, KY
Ashley Brossart, a Louisville native, has exhibited work in numerous solo and group exhibitions including; “Painted Portraits: City/Self” – Carnegie Center in New Albany, Indiana (2012), ‘New Evolution’ – Gallery at the Brown Hotel Louisville, Ky (2013), ‘Displacement’ a group exhibition curated by Stacey Reason featuring Brossart’s city installation entitled ‘Sobro Portrait’ – Spalding University Huff Gallery Louisville, Ky (2014), The Mayor's Gallery at Louisville Metro Hall (2014) and ‘Terminating Vistas; The Sequence Series’ at Crafts Gallery Louisville, Ky (2015). In Summer 2015 she worked as assistant for Louisville Metro's Public Art Project 'Connect/Disconnect' located on the Downtown Louisville waterfront. Along with various exhibitions she has participated in live painting events around Louisville. Brossart’s murals can be found throughout Louisville including Kroger company locations in Louisville and Southern Indiana. In Fall 2017 she will be attending Pratt Institute for Graduate Studies.
Artist Statement: I created 'City Walk ii' to capture the fleeting moments of passing through an evolving city with the focus being Downtown Louisville.
You can connect with Ashley on Instagram @Orange_Peeled.
City Walk ii
1508 S. 7th St.
940 Preston St.
Muhammad Ali Blvd. & S. 6th St
1045 S. 28th St.
1331 E. Main St.
2317 Frankfort Ave at Keats Ave